If you are looking for better Facebook page engagement with your audience, there is one thing you might want to change from today.
Your page posts might be brilliant, emotive and interesting, but you want more than that. You want more engagement.
How are you going to do this? Ask for it…. as simple as that.
Look at these two posts below. Both feature an Iconic moment in both sporting and political history and, as a result, have been well received by the respective audiences. What sets them apart, however, is the structure of the posts – and more importantly the leading question on the Rugby World Cup page.
The two posts are great as they have a lot of what the typical Rugby fan (target audience for these pages) is looking to see. But the second post offers a little more text to draw the user in and then ASKS A QUESTION!!!
This is so simple and with this type of post, recounting a time in history really must have the additional ‘Where were you?’ question.
There is a big difference in total fan counts on pages, but the Rugby World Cup page (with more fans) has done really well in converting this post into engagement. I’m pretty positive that Rugby Banter Page would have seriously increased their comment count from 27 to something over 100, just by asking a question.
Ask a question, and expect to get answers – or in this case, comments.
Tip! When asking a question, make it the last piece of text on the post (as in the example). By doing so, you have left your followers with a clear task of what to do once they have read the post… answer the question / ENGAGE!